Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Number 10 on His Back"

Oh Sharp Attack, you are one of the highlights of my week. And this week was no exception.

As usual, Eric and Cathy started with the war between Sharpie and Stalberg. Last week, they did the “handsome off” to determine which one was more study – hellllllo, by a dominant 75% of the vote, it’s Sharpie. Unsurprising.

Stalberg called in earlier this week and addressed some of the allegations that Sharpie doled out. In response to him frequenting tanning booths, he said “completely false.” (okay, short and sweet) but added that he was naturally tanned and that Sharpie was just jealous. They also asked Stalberg about Sharpie’s flower costume – “It was pretty bad. It was also the fact that he had nothing to do with it. You know, its just his wife told him is what you’re wearing tonight and he went with it. He’s scared of his wife right now I’ve heard.” I.e. basically his wife wears the pants in the family.

So, they talked to Sharpie about it, asking if Abby does in fact, wear the pants in the family. Sharpie said “Umm well seeing as Abby is standing beside me now, I’m probably going to have to agree with that statement.” He also gave Stalberg a shot by saying “I don’t know anyone who has a naturally bronzed skin tone without going to the tanning bed.” Sharpie isn’t worried about the fallout of battling with Stalberg over the radio waves because Stalberg won’t want to start a fight and “ruin the manicure he just got”. Sharpie also said that the guys in the locker room listen and talk about it but tend to not want to get involved. Start attacking Kaner for his mullet style! (Eric totally brought it up, and told Sharpie to tell him to bring the mullet back)

Sharpie didn’t stop there, when Eric brought up Stalberg again, Sharpie said that Stalberg is “awful orange”. Bahaha. Eric and Cathy also brought up the recent video that the Hawks did about which Hawk could have a career in politics – a lot of the guys said Sharpie – and number 10 commented he didn’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing, and he didn’t know if his teammates were complimenting him or making fun of him.

They brought up American Thanksgiving, wondering if they were going to celebrate. They are indeed as his wife Abby is American.  They asked what his plans were and Sharpie gave a lil’ insight into his long weekend – he says he loves American Thanksgiving, but he is all over the place on the road for the weekend but Abby is heading to her home state for the weekend. The team usually has a team meal together at the hotel and watch some football together. Eric and Cathy teasingly asked if the trainers remind the players not to eat too much, and Sharpie jested back that they just have to remind some of the dummies, like John Scott, not to eat too much, but the rest know how to take care of themselves (then they reminded Sharpie about Scott’s fight against Edmonton the other night and Sharpie said he’d better watch himself).

Sharpie said that his fave part of the meal is the dessert – the apple pie and pumpkin pie with ice cream. (“Remember, I’m rooming with Seabrook so I’m sure I’ll have two or three desserts.” And “He’ll be in the meal room for hours, getting all he can”). Sharpie also joked that Seabs drags the room service carts all over the hotel. Oh those besties.

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