Monday, November 15, 2010

BizNasty's Props to Crosby

Paul Bissonnette recently did an interview with the Vancouver Sun and when he was asked if he liked Gretzky or Lemieux better, this is what he responded:

Sun: Wayne or Mario?
Bissonnette: Mario used to sign my paycheques ... You know what, I’m going to step between them and say Sid [Crosby]. I think Sid’s better than they both ever were. People are going to be like “What you talking about?” But what Sid does with the goalies and the players we have now. Go back and look at Gretzky highlights and he’s taking slappers from outside the blue line and they’re going in. What Sid can do on skates is way more epic than what ... At the time Wayne and Mario were ridiculous, but Sid and [Alex Ovechkin] and [Evgeni] Malkin ... It’s crazy.

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