Monday, November 22, 2010

Crosby Crazy: Fighting

I decided to start doing a weekly feature on just Sid so I can get out all my love for him at once (mainly because I want to post about him every day. Don't pretend like you don't love it).

Looking past the fact that he's so darn cute, he is just blowin' up so far this season and is on track for the best season of his career (judge away, but I'm still feeling a wee bit bitter towards Stamkos for stealing Sid's thunder. Plus I don't trust him due to his paleness. He lives in Florida. He has to at least come into contact coming from and leaving the arena, come on. I shouldn't complain - he is so much better than Ovechkin).

Annnnnywho, Sid got into his fifth NHL fight a few weeks back (and has only recently not been one of the "Top Headlines" topics on so I decided to do this week's Sid Speal on his willingness to drop the gloves when necessary. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think it's great that he (and some other superstars, I will give credit where credit is due) are willing to partake in the rougher side of the sport, especially since so many players avoid it. But really, emotions are high on the ice and like it or not, roughness is a part of the game and Crosby shows what a great player he truly is by being involved in all aspects of the sport.

Besides, now all news shows can rejoice because they are finally able to do "Top 5" segments on Crosby fights. It's a little bit less exciting when you do a top five... of five, but they're not always the most creative with ideas ;)

I would love for Crosby's sixth fight to be against a certain Russian I hate. I want Crosby to bop him in the nose.

He also is quite the lil' trash talker on the ice (which I feel ties in to fighting, mainly because it is convenient to fit into this posting).

(Did I not say that Crosby probably still holds a grudge against Ryan Getzlaf for rolling him up in a mattress whilst wearing only boxers? I also hold a grudge against the modern day Charlie Conway, but that is just because he didn't give me a heads up to go to Finland and wait in the lobby for when mattress-Sid came downstairs)

He's also got quite the little potty-mouth at times

All around player, all around stud

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