Thursday, November 4, 2010

It's Movember!

With the start of November comes the start of "Movember" - a moustache growing charity event that lasts for the month of November, with the goal of raising funds and awareness for prostate cancer. Every year, numerous hockey players take part and George Parros from the Anaheim Ducks is partaking this year. But he already has one of the most intense 'staches ever! How is that going to work...?

It's for a great cause so get involved, whether you're American or Canadian!

In other Ducks news, the team announced that they will be keeping rookie Cam Fowler past the 10-game mark and he has just been cleared but he team's doctors as able to play after breaking his nose in a game. 

The Ducks website has a blog and they talked about him in it and the recent event that they hosted "Dux in Tux". As part of his rookie initiation, Fowler was called upon to give a speech during the event. Ducks blogger Adam Brady  wrote a little speal on how hilarious Fowler was on stage:

"...the real star of the show was Fowler, who kept the crowd entertained during his five minutes on the stage during an event where every table was represented by a chef from various local restaurants and a Ducks player "sous chef." All Fowler had to do was lead off his speech with an awkward, "Well..." before he was met by hoots and hollers from the audience. He continued, "I’d like to thank everybody for being here, especially The Catch [an Anaheim restaurant] table at table 24. The coolest cats in the building right now, that's for sure."

(Love that an 18-year-old kid is using an expression like "coolest cats.")

I’m not really sure what direction I’m supposed to go," Fowler said. "I could talk about my childhood, I was born on December 5 ..." Then he paused and added with emphasis, "Nineteen ninety-one," which was met by roars from the crowd. "I know. Trust me, I know," he said. "The last time I was in a tuxedo was senior prom..." (applause) " … and that was last year" (much louder applause).  

He reached for more material: "Thank you for the support. I was born on a cold winter's day in Michigan. My dad was born in Newfoundland. He was a bit of a character and did a great job with me, brought me up to be a huge hockey fan.

"I was holding a hockey stick when I was 3. Actually, funny story, the first time I ever put on skates, my mom dressed me in the locker room [crowd laughs]. I went to take my first steps on the ice, and I still had the skate guards on. So, I’m flipping around out there and I thought, Geez, this might not be as easy as I thought it was.

"I’m loving being in Calfornia. It’s awesome. The people are so friendly. It’s so clean and people always have their cars washed. That’s not normally the trend in Michigan, where we pride ourselves on our dirty cars. I’ve got to make sure to keep the wheels fresh on my Ford Explorer.

"The guys have been unbelievable for me. All of them have taken me under their wing and accepted me for who I am. That’s all I can ask for."

Fowler was dying to wrap it up, but Marchant didn't make a move to take the mic from him. "I’m getting the death stare from T Bone, so it’s clearly not time for me to make my exit," Fowler said, before deciding to open it up to some Q&A.

"My favorite video game?" he repeated. "Call of Duty. That’s something about us hockey players. We love that game. It’s in our blood. I don’t know what it is."

He was asked about driving Teemu Selanne's Maybach to the home opener. "Let’s just say I was a little terrified of driving it. Luckily, we made it to the rink safely. The brakes were a little touchy, and I jerked Teemu and Getzy’s heads back a couple of times. I didn’t know what I was doing. They dressed me up in a little chauffeur hat and Coach Carlyle didn’t like that hat too much, so I took some heat for that."

And just before he left the stage, he paused to answer one more question shouted from the crowd. "I’m single," he said sheepishly, to the biggest applause of the night."

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