Sunday, November 21, 2010

Best Hockey Pranks

It seems like one of the favourite pastimes of NHL players is playing pranks on one another while on long roadtrips. Makes sense - who wouldn't want to terrorize people you have to see every day and engage in a contact sport with?

Here are the top five pranks in my opinion!

5. Messing with a teammates car.

There are a few variations of this. There's the saran wrapping the entire car so you can't open the doors, putting vaseline on the windshield so you can't see, using your Sidney Crosby charm and stealing the keys to someone's car to fill it entirely with styrofoam packing peanuts. (Even knowing Crosby's lil' rebelliousness, I would still willingly hand my car keys over to him.)

(Hahaha look at Crosby's shift little eyes as he makes his quick getaway)

4. The Leaner

This is pretty old-school I think - leaning a pail full of ice cold water against someone's door, knocking and giddily awaiting them to get a wet surprise. Usually I wouldn't include this, its a bit too uncreative for me, but since Burish and Sharpie did it, it spiced it up obv.

3. What really goes on at the NHL All-Star Game...

Obviously the real action of the All-Star game happens in the hotel - room service fakery, Jumbo Joe raiding the maid's cart, Turco getting creamed... That hotel seems like party central, its a wonder the players even want to leave it to play. What? That commerical is fake? Don't lie to me.

2. Shattering the self-esteem of a future NHL All-Star, who probably still holds a grudge.

Seriously, rolling up a guy in a mattress in just his boxers? How did he not fight back?? Oh wait, they double teamed him! Rude. Also, as for shattering the self-esteem, I take that back, Crosby was a stud back in juniors just like he is now (I can say that without being a playground prowler as we are the same age, so it's okay. Seriously, it's okay.)

PS - Jonathan Toews is so not creative. Captain Serious needs to step up his game quite a bit to make it onto this list as one of the better prankERs rather than the number one prankEE (see number one...)

1. Any prank against Jonathan Toews.

Pranking Jonathan Toews is officially on my bucket list. Poor Captain Serious is going to be destined to a life of chucking water bottles at cars after people saran wrap his own, wandering hotel hallways (shirtless) trying to find his gym bag and getting woken up at 6 am by room service.

(See number 10. I think it deserves higher)

Honourable Mention: Ruining the Stanley Cup Finals for your Boyfriend

Like, this is what this guy deserves for cheering for the Flyers over the Hawks, but hahahah wow, this girl probably risked her life doing this, judging by the overturning of the furniture and the absolute rage this guy showed. Still, she is a genius (I'd have to punch her out if she did this to me though)

Also, check out the April Fools Day post of Down Goes Brown for some more humourous potential pranks

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