Sunday, November 7, 2010

Best Team Videos - Season Ticket Delivery

A popular thing for teams to do - and a fan favourite for obvious reasons - is to have some of their players hand deliver season tickets to some of the holders, as opposed to just receiving them in the boring ol' mail. It goes without saying that the fans love it but the players also do as well - many have said they like how it gives them a chance to interact with their fans, get to know them in person, make themselves more accessible, etc.

There are a few different ways that the teams do it. Some have the fans come to them..

But I think it's a little bit more exciting when they go to the fans...

And... some season ticket holders aren't even fans so... they were disinterested...

(Hahaha I know I've posted it before but I think it's hilarious because it is so true.)

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