Wednesday, November 17, 2010

More "Blackhawks Pranskters" Videos to Come?

Good news all, there may be more hilarious prank features on the Blackhawks TV specials coming up soon as Patrick Sharp is starting to gear up for the upcoming road trip.

In an interview with ESPN, he talked about how the upcoming road-trip (starting with a game against the Oilers tonight) is a good time to loosen up and have some fun - especially because there haven't been any pranks yet. He also revealed that his number one target was going to be Seabs - the *former* roommate. “Well, No. 1 on the hit list is Brent Seabrook, my former roommate. We tried it out and it lasted about three nights. I couldn’t take his superstitions or his constant calling to his girlfriend on the phone and his I-chat on the computer. It was just embarrassing" 

He also called Seabs gushiness with his girlfriend "puppy love" and said that his new roomie is Jake Dowell. He also complimented old roomie (who I loveeeee) Adam Burish, “Yeah, Burish is a professional. He was a model roommate. Seabrook is like "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" when you go into the bathroom. There’s one little hand towel and the bathroom is a mess. I have to use the lobby restroom every time I want to go to the bathroom because ours is just a mess. There is so much food ordered to the room; we have such an expensive room service bill. I don’t want to pay for that. Let’s see, what else. He sets his alarm to go off at 3 p.m. everyday because it’s a superstition. I like to sleep from 2-4 on game days and the alarm is going off every 10 minutes starting at 3. So it just didn’t work out.” 

There is a bunch of funny other stuff and I have to stop myself from basically copying and pasting the entire thing here so check it out!

As side note, last night was one of the (I predict, though I hope to be wrong) rare times that a Leaf got one of the three stars of the night. So yay for Steeger!!

Also the Hockey Junkies posted the most amazing Hockey Cosmo Quiz ever that you definitely need to check out.

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