Thursday, November 11, 2010

BizNasty for Captain!

It's actually not unrealistic to think that Paul Bissonnette, with the masses of fans he has accumulated through his Twitter account, may get voted in as a player in the All Star Game (whether or not they count his votes is another thing, I've heard they had left out players that had high votes because they were "joke votes" - then again, those rumours were probably started by bitter Betty's). Anyways, I love his Twitter account and I guess he has been getting a lot of messages (tweets?) from people saying they are going to vote for him so he did an entire series of posts on who he will pick when he is captain:
(Awww love for Geno)

So I realize I just posted a crapload of pictures but I didn't want anyone to miss on on the comedy that is BizNasty. Also, I was going to only post his "choices" for the first two lines but then I saw his comments about Derek Engelland and I just had to include that.

Also, I dont know if when he mentioned his "bromance" he meant just Pyatt but I like to think it's a three way bromance that includes Crosby because I like to think they are still friends
(Okay like, I want to keep going and I would continue to the point where this entire blog is just all BizNasty posts and things from his Twitter so I seriously need to stop.)

Update: Whoops, I lied, I just need to add this one. I swear I'm done.

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