Wednesday, November 3, 2010

End of October Recap: League Leaders

With the first month of the season over (I guess technically the first month ends on November 7th but whatever), what better a time to look at the league leaders across the board!

Tim "The Tank" Thomas
Tim Thomas is having a fantastic start this season. With amazing stats (seen to the right) and a 6-0-0 record thus far, he definitely is the definition of a hot goaltender (and has the skills to back it up too, i.e. this may not just be a streak). He was backup to Ryan Miller at the 2010 Olympics and because Miller was such a brick wall, he didn't get to see a lot of ice time and as a result, his talents may not be as widely known to fans outside of the Bruins circle. Pretty sure we all know about him now (side note, he also leads the league in shutouts, at 3 - uhhh that's 50% of his games)

(Ahahahahhaa, Chara is SUCH a giganta-beast)

Henrik Sedin - Captain Canuck
Fresh off an Art-Ross Trophy win last season for the most points in the league, the newly appointed captain of the Vancouver Canucks wasted no time in accumulating some assists. He hasn't accumulated too many goals yet (he is sitting at 1 but hey, it was his first successful penalty shot of his career - and it was against Brodeur so that's pretty good) but he's clearly been quite the helper in settling up his teammates for goals - including broskie Daniel.

Patrick Sharp - the Sharp Shooter!
Alternate captain of the Chicago Blackhawks Patrick Sharp (studdddd!) has definitely lived up to his reputation as a 'Sharp Shooter', accumulating 10 goals in 15 games so far. Not too bad at all, considering last year he had 25 goals in 82 games. If he continues to play the way he has been, he may even beat his career high of 36.

Oh yeah, he is also ridiculously good looking, so he has that going for him as well.

(I love Burish and Brouwer's comments. "Looks like he combed his hair with a pork chop" "Who is this guy??" "I don't know what he's pointing at...")

With Sharpie's 10 goals so far this season, the players on the opposing teams are probably starting to feel just like the Canucks do...

Steven Stamkos
This guy definitely made a name for himself his sophomore season, looking at his stats from first season and going "Pffft, I'm just going to double that. Sorry what? I'm stereotypically supposed to have a sophomore slump? Nah, I'll pass and just tie Sid the Kid for goals, thanks". I really want to hate him for giving Crosby a run for his money but really, how can you? Firstly, he's just so darn good - and yeah, his 19 points that put him at the top of the league reflect that. But also, look at that face... How can you hate him? He lives in Florida yet is basically Casper's delightfully awkward brother.

Oh holy crap, if Gary Roberts ever sees this and learns of Stamkos's Ben and Jerry's addiction/love? Yikes! Also, "I don't know why I have to sinks but... sometimes it comes in handy". Oh ho ho! Someone is a little bit promiscuous!

Also, look at him still having love/loyalty/time (love and loyalty were probably a bit too optimistic, but time, yes, that one works) for his actual home-team (helloooo Markham native). I love it.

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