Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Duper is a Dad!

The Pens just announced that Pascal Dupuis is going to be missing tonight's game against the Dallas Stars but don't worry, it's for a good reason... His wife, Carol-Lyne, just went into labour! This will be the couple's fourth child and Duper is rushing home to be by his wife's side for the kid's arrival! Congrats!!


On Pascal Dupuis’ wife, Carole-Lyne, determining tonight’s lineup decisions:
I guess she did decide a little bit. Pascal left early this morning and made it home eight minutes before his baby daughter was born.
On (jokingly) getting him back for tonight:
Yeah, eight minutes before faceoff.


(from the Pens website)
We are pleased to welcome Lola Dupuis to the Penguins' family. Penguins forward Pascal Dupuis and his wife, Carole-Lyne, delivered the beautiful 5-pound, 8-ounce baby girl at 12:57 p.m. this afternoon. Congratulations to the Dupuis family!

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