Monday, November 22, 2010

24/7 Pens vs Caps Preview

So excited for this! If you missed the airing on HBO (like I did... because I don't have HBO) and have been anxiously awaiting some wonderful person to upload it onto YouTube, your wait is over! Woo!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh I'm so excited! Thanks for sharing the link. I knew about this 24/7 (it's all over the site - the winter classic between the Pens and Caps must be what Bettman dreams about!). I don't know why they kept showing Mike Comrie scoring...not like he's done that yet this year. Burn!

    I wish I could go to Pittsburgh for this game, it is going to be a great one. It'll be really interesting to see the behind the scenes stuff though.

    I should mention that Max is hilarious "I hate those guys" hehe. I hate to say it but the Caps are kind of growing on me. I mean, I still hate them but they are an exciting team to watch.
