Saturday, November 6, 2010

He's a Natural

The Coyotes website posted a video of a behind the scenes look at BizNasty's commercial for Taco Bell. The last time I went there, I think I almost threw up immediately but I would totally eat there again because of him

As a side note: WHAT!? Taco Bells in the States don't have fries?? Uhh how do you guys have cheese fries and chili fries with your meal? That is just horrifying information


In other news, Red Hockey Heels posted this video of Steve Downie learning that karma's a bitch and I just thought it was hilarious:
I have no problem with the Bolts (in fact, I want them to do well so that Washington doesn't win their division... of course, not well enough to top Pittsburgh [or Toronto... wishful thinking...]). However, I have hated Steve Downie ever since he slew-footed Crosby last season (and I use "slew-foot" loosely - in actuality, I want to say that Downie tried to snap his leg in half at the knee but that may be my total devotion to Captain Crosby). Like Crosby said after the game, there as NO reason for his leg to be there. I am reluctantly posting the video, mainly because it is actually painful to watch. Stupid Downie.

Getzlaf and Crosby, Team Canada teammates (and roomies!) from the Olympics, met up last night and decided to catch up a little bit on the ice

I think Sid was just reminding Getzlaf that he is still out for revenge for what transpired at World Juniors when they played together...

Another random thing I noticed about last nights games - Tim Thomas was pulled after 2 periods (he let in three goals for the Caps to take a 3-0 lead, which they then blew, of course, but still were able to win. Hmph) and Tuukka Rask took over for the third. The Bruins ended up battling back to tie it up (helloooooo seems to be a trend with Washington and Northeast division teams) but Washington kept givin'er and ended up winning. Anyways, the point of this - Rask ends up getting the loss and Thomas maintains his perfect 7-0 record. Now I didn't watch the game (come on, as if I would ever willingly watch a regular season game where the Caps were playing a team other than Toronto and Pittsburgh. Gross) so really, this is just rambling but: you sneaky little Bruins. I'm on to you.

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