Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What a Week to Be Away...

Apparently going to Mexico for New Years equaled me missing eleventy kagillion things happening in the hockey world. I'm still trying to play catch up! Luckily my hotel had wifi so I was there on my little iPod Touch trying to follow all the hockey news. I was lovin the score of the Atlanta game and Crosby with his three points and luckily there was an open bar to drown my sorrows of the Islanders game. Come New Years Day, I was fully ready...

They actually had the game on in Mexico so I managed to watch the first period (SOOOOO excited that Staalsy was back in the lineup!!!) and a bit of the second before I had to go to my dinner reservations and we were up 1-0. Mmm when I came out.. no longer winning. I don't feel a need to rehash the rest of the game so I'll just move on.

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