Monday, January 24, 2011

Classy Habs Fans

And I'm not being sarcastic!!

I'm obviously not a huge Habs fan but like I've said before, I don't hate them unconditionally the way other Leafs fans do (that is now saved for the Ottawa Senators, whom I will never. ever. ever. cheer for). ANYWAYS, this past weekend was the big return to Montreal for Saku Koivu, who played for the Habs for 13 years and was their captain for 9 (that sounds about right. I watched his adorable interview on Hockey Night in Canada and they said his playing career but I'm not going to go look it up. My apologies if that's wrong).

So yeah, Habs fans are passionate and some people were a bit worried that they would boo him when he came on to the ice but, in a classy move, they did not. They did just the opposite.

This obviously reminds me of Sundin's return to Toronto when he too got a standing O and was moved to tears. Meanwhile, I also tear up when I see it.

Anddddd come on, never one to resist a chance to hate on the other Eastern Canada NHL team... Let's think about what happened in Ottawa earlier this year when one of their vetran players made his big return...

I know, I know, Heatley screwed Ottawa over a bit but you know what, he clearly wanted to leave for personal reasons (though he still has yet to inform anyone of those reasons) and... this may be blasphemy to say but Sundin also screwed Toronto over a bit, taking so long to decide whether or not he was returning and then, when he did, going to Vancouver instead, leaving Toronto with nothing in return for losing him (except cap space) but hi, its a business and unfair deals happen all the time. (Who was Patrick Sharp traded for again...?)

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