Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What A Morning to Wake Up To

I went to bed last night apparently living under a stupid rock because how did I miss THIS!?

It blows that he got two head shots and the league took no action against them but skipping the all-star game and letting fans down isn't Crosby's style at all. Luckily, his agent got hold of the news of this article and put our minds to rest - uhhh not true at all, thanks. However, what will be really frustrating is if Crosby really isn't well enough to take the ice for the All-Star game (= my soul dying, as Stamkos is only *5* points behind Crosby now. Mother Eff), there are a huge chunk of people now who won't believe him and will say he is faking it to make a point. God damn David Shoalts.

UPDATE: This is what Crosby himself said in response to that allegation:

On a report that he’s angry the NHL didn’t punish the two headshots and won’t participate in the All-Star Game:
That’s not even close (to accurate). I’ll be there if I can be there and still haven’t ruled out being there. Hopefully, in the next few days things get better. There’s a slight chance I can still be back for that. That’s what I’m hoping. If I can be there, I’ll be there.

Speaking of All-Star news, they announced the captains and sure enough, the captains are Sidney Crosby and Jonathan Toews... Sidney Crosby and Alex Ovechkin... Sidney Crosby and Steven Stamkos... Jonathan Toews and Alex Ovechkin... Eric Staal and Nicklas Lindstrom!

At first I was quite taken aback - both are more than worthy of being captains but whoa whoa whoa, the league actually not including Crosby and Ovechkin in the captain choice? Have they forgotten their main marketing campaign? Then I pushed the stupid rock off of me and remembered the All-Stars are the ones who got to vote in captains. Ahhh, all is right in the world again.

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