Saturday, January 22, 2011

ASG Alternate Captains

So Team Staal and Team Lindstrom picked their alternate captains and they choices were announced today

I don't know about anyone else but I'm definitely surprised by the choices - St Louis and Kesler I can definitely see, they're both already alternate captains for their respective teams so for sure but I didn't see Patty Kane and Green coming at all. Staal obvioulsy had to choose a d-man for one of his alternates but I definitely thought it was going to be Keith (but then I guess he couldn't have chosen Kesler). Anyways, we already know what it's going to come down to: which choice is cooler...

Well, now that Sid and Ovechkin (and Stamkos I guess, we'll throw him into that mix) all are up for grabs for the draft (at least for now... is it too optimistic to think that Crosby will make the game?) you know the next week is going to be full of the never-been-done before "Sid-vs-Ovie: Who will get picked first?!" debate.

Side note... it finally happened last night... It took a solid two weeks of him being sidelined because of random players using his head as a body-check-target but someone has finally caught up to Sid in the points. Obv it's Stamkos which is just hard on me because I really want to hate him and have only loyalty to Crosby butttt Stamkos is basically from around the corner of me when compared to Crosby. Drat.

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