Monday, January 17, 2011

Gary Roberts Is Coming for You

You just know that the second he hears about this, he is going to just shake his head in horror and immediately start the yelling into the phone..

The cool thing HBO's "24/7" displayed was the real behind-the-scenes Crosby, one he often shields from the public. The back-and-forths with Sid on the plane were classic, even down to him eating Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

Hershey caught wind of that.

"In a day, we must have had 50 cases of these things," Shero said, laughing. "I swear to God, guys are still eating them."

(Meanwhile, that sounds like my dream come true. If Coffee Crisps were thrown into that mix. Mmmmmmm)

Too. Much. Man.

Side note: this is also amazing. Muahahhaa Carey Price, you shouldn't be so cocky. (This may be old news but I didn't see it before, I was clearly distracted by Flower rubbing it in Price's face. Look at those Frenchies, banding together!)

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