Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Top Ten Things I Missed...

These actually aren't in any order because I feel they are all amazing so it's going to be a long one my friends:

Battle of Ontario 
There is no team that I hate more than Ottawa (Washington is close though, sorry to any fans of either team, but nope, not actually sorry) so how thrilled was I to hear that Toronto beat Ottawa 5-1 on New Years Day (it helped the sting of the Wnter classic a bit). I'm still so bitter towards the Sens for their video they played during one of the home playoff games against the Pens last season, which was basically "Here's to the Team from Ontario that doesn't suck". Classy.

Crosby's Text to Team Canada
Ummm, speaking of classy, but not sarcastically this time, when I found out that Crosby texted all the players on Canada's World Junior team, my love for him just grew even more. Can you imagine how excited some of those players must've been (I'm pretty sure that they all were ridick excited, but just in case there are some Ovechkin fans on the team...):

Hey guys I just wanted to say Good Luck to you in your game tonight. You for sure have Canadian fans here on the Penguins pulling for you along with the rest of Canada, so play with confidence out there. Remember these are the games you dream about playing in. Trust the guy next to you and play together and you will get the result you want. Good Luck! -Sidney

Episode Three of 24/7
I only got to watch it last night but people in Mexico who had come later told me it was the best episode yet and I wasn't disappointed at all. I loved it! I know this is all old news by this time so I won't go too much in depth but Sid's freak out? He dropped like 74 f-bombs in like 27 seconds. Ahahaha love it. Also Rupper and his family are adorable!!

FOUR OF SIX on the All-Star Ballot are Pens!!
It kind of was expected that Malkin would be on there and Sid... well, no question about that. But how pumped am I that Tanger and Flower also got voted in!!!

I think I'm most excited about Tanger because he is playing absolutely amazing hockey right now (I mean, he is at 40 games played and has already tied his career high, so... safe to say, he is probably going to surpass it in the 42 games left, though I won't jinx anything) and he wasn't even on the ballot! His vote in was thanks to all the amazing Pittsburgh fans out there that did write-in ballots for him. Woooo!!!

Winter Classic
I didn't technically miss the game because I watched it while I was away and while I won't go into the game specifics (because I am admittedly bitter that the Pens didn't win and not pleased at all about Dave Steckel trying to take off my favourite player's head), what I am upset about is not being able to comment on how smokin' hot slash adorable the guys looked (I know, I know, shallow and approaching puck bunny territory but whatever, don't act like you don't agree)

Jordan's Staal's Return
Ummm, we've all been waiting a looooong time for this. And we were greeted with a surprise: some intense flow

All-Star Voting Shocks
So the outcome of the All-Star Game vote came out and while Crosby isn't a shocker, Stamkos and Ovechkin not being the forwards are a bit more surprising. I think it goes without saying that I think Malkin deserves to be there (since umm yeah, I was voting for him the entire time lol) but that last forward spot I thought would be Stamkos. Whatever, I think Toews is well-deserving and I hate Ovechkin so wooo!! (Yeah yeah, he's a good player though, relax, I can admit that)

Here's to Pittsburgh and Chicago taking over the All-Star game!! (Slash Canada taking over the game - 5/6 starters are Canadian!! Awww yeahhhh)

Once again, I didn't actually miss this because I was fully following it while I was away but I will give you a lil' story about the USA-Canada game from Monday night. I was in the airport while they were playing so I had no way of checking the score. However, right when I got on the plane and the flight director was going through her speals she ended with "We will be cruising at blah blah blah... Oh by the way, we are going into the third and Canada is up 3-0" and the entire plane legit erupted in applause. Only on a flight to Canada eh? Then right before we took off, the flight director came back on and said "Thank god for modern technology and texting: Canada just won 4-1". Awww yeahhh, gold medal game tonight!! WOO!!!

(Sorry to anyone from the States reading this... But ahh, let's just think back to the video of Team USA after they beat Canada last year and their lovely musical rendition of "We just beat your fucking ass" Ohhh you naughty nancies! Let's leave the f-bombs to Sidney Crosby... "FUCK! That's fucking SHIT!" Ahahaha what a cutie

Anyways, that's all I can think of right now, so I have no idea if that was even close to ten but as i try and catch up on the hockey news of the past week that you've all already heard like 8 years ago, I will continue to think it's amazing and new

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