Thursday, January 13, 2011

Getting Even with Goalie.

So.... riddle me this dilemma: this goalie is getting a bit too cocky (or perhaps he is your own goalie and is busting out some amazing taunts with his little French accent during the shootout or perhaps he is a big douche that thinks he's the man after making the shootout winning save) so it's time to knock him down a notch.

Note: This isn't cocky. This is amazing. Please be careful to differentiate the difference from cockiness and just pure skill and French hilarity.

But how? Here are some helpful ideas:

You are the top team in the league and are playing against one of the bottom teams in the league. Yet somehow, they have managed to force a shootout - with a rookie goalie!! Rude. What to do?
Well... this isn't a common problem but hey, it happens! Guess what move goalies really hate when it comes to a shoot out? The spin-o-rama!! You know what they hate even more? When you score using a spin-o-rama move!

Bonus: Have your highly skilled, Olympian teammate mock the rookie goalie. Perhaps saying something along the lines of "Be quiet rookie."

You were the defending Stanley Cup Champions but your dreams of two Cups in a row was ruined by those damn Habs. Now, you are playing your last game of the following season against them and are in serious danger of getting swept by them! How can you taunt them when, WHEW, you win the game?
This one is a tough one... Wait, does their goalie get a little bit over-confident sometimes and did he maybe bust out a cocky celebratory pose at the end of your last game against him? Ever heard the statement, "Karma's a bitch". Do the exact same pose to him. Sucker.

It was my first time in the playoffs in my NHL career and everyone expected me to lead the team to the Stanley Cup - even though, like I said, *first time in the playoffs*. Instead, we were eliminated in the first round by the Ottawa Senators. Now, a year later, we are facing them again and they've made a massive mural of the handshake line from last year when they eliminated us - and its right by our locker room. Clearly we need to take revenge on the goalie
You're right, you should blame the goalie - why? I think the question is, why not. Anyways, the Senators you say? Hahaha oh kid, there is no need for *you* to get revenge on the goalie. Let their d-men do it for you.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm a goalie and we're not the bad guys!! I used to have this jerk stand in front of my crease all the time, waving his arms around like a buffoon, trying to distract me. What do you mean, "No respectable hockey player would actually do that?" LOOK!

See?! Told you!
Wow... uh... sorry bud. Really didn't believe you on that one. You know what.... I would maybe just go home to your Stanley Cup rings and gold medals and take the high road - just ignore him. I mean... when you think about what you've accomplished and... actually, eff that, this guy is a prick. Spear him between the legs if he does it again:
 andddd down.

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