Thursday, January 6, 2011

Aaaaaand more.

So it seems there is an endless supply of stuff to catch up on so I may just have to admit defeat and aim to stay up to date on the stuff happening right now but the last thing that I did catch up on was a conference call with Sid and people would call in to ask him questions. I have a quick lil' summary of what was said, but you can watch it here too

Sid still talks to his sister often (she is away at boarding school – Shattuk St Marys, same one Sid went to) and just saw her for Christmas. He says that she is having fun there and is comfortable and he’s happy about that

In response to sports fans reactions to big streaks (like 50 in 50 or the streak is on), he says achieving/beating those streaks are a whole world away. At this point, he feels like there has been a bit more attention to his streak, so he says he’s felt sports fans reactions to it, but he agrees that he is starting to get the feeling that people are starting to follow his streak

Sid says its hard for him to imagine watching Wayne Gretzky for 51 games and get a point every night and people who got to watch it were def “in for a treat” but he can’t imagine what it was like (i.e. suggesting he won’t get there)

About the 24/7 show, Sid says that he has seen the full first ep and a bit of the second, and he thinks they’ve done a great job and giving people a behind the scenes look on some things they’ve probably never seen before and getting a unique perspective. He says that he thinks that the show only enhances hockey’s image – there are probably people who don’t follow hockey much but getting the opportunity to see what players go through and getting to know the players better gives them another look into the sport.

About getting to play in a second Winter Classic (the interview was done before), Sid says the novelty and feeling is still there; getting to play an NHL game outside and against a huge rival, they feel lucky and are excited about getting to be a part of such a unique event, especially at home in Pittsburgh. He said maybe they have a tiny advantage for the players who played outside before in 2008 but then again, all players have had to deal with conditions and ice repair and such and those things are expected

There was lots of questions about the WC, and all of them are already known really since the game is over now but whatevs. He also said that they were planning on going to the Alumni game (which as we know, they did) and he says its always fun to meet former players but moreso its fun to see the alumni getting to see one another again and hear their stories.

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