Thursday, January 6, 2011

Still Trying to Play Catch Up

I feel I'm still way behind on all my hockey news so I'm still lurking along. I obviously had to catch up on the Pens news first (whoopsies, sorry hometown...) but now I've moved on to Toronto and what do I find!? Timmie's has a new confectionery delight! I still have yet to see one but then again, two our of my three last Timmie runs, I went through drive-through. Time to not be lazy apparently!

They also did a second all-access Leafspace ep, filmed at Real Sports with Army and Schenner and audience members (and people via twitter and facebook) could ask questions. It's pretty long so I'm only going to include the first part of it but an audience member asks about playing against their friends like Sid and Stamkos and Schenner's reaction is hilarious (spoiler alert: he is basically like "I'm not friends with Sid though I'd love to be!") and Monika (look at me, remembering it's with a K) brought up the little scuffle between Sid and Army! (Look at Army's face after talking about Sid - ya think he gets asked about his bud a lot? Lol)

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