Saturday, December 11, 2010


It's your first NHL game...ever. You've already got an assist and then your coach calls on you to be the third guy in the shootout. Let's bust out the big guns and make a name for yourself and throw the goalie off. How do you do that?

This is probably a pretty good way...

Meanwhile, Dan Ellis says its "embarrassing" and Stamkos is whining, saying that he is being disrespectful.

I don't know what anyone else thinks but geeze, making mountains out of molehills a bit there? Sure, something like that from so far away from the goalie probably isn't going to do a lot to help you score (but you know what, he *did* score) and maybe it's showing off a bit but eff it, he was having fun, I'm sure the coaches won't let him do it again and he had the game of his life, that just happened to be his first NHL game ever

Just let him have his moment!!

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