Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Crosby Crazy: He's a Star!

I feel there was never any real doubt of this fact but yeah, Sid the Kid is a star. Let's look at the reasons for this designation:

1. He leads the league in fan votes for the NHL All-Star game with 218,000+ votes

2. For the past two weeks, he was named one of the three stars of the week for his amazing play

3. He has gotten a hat trick on the day after Black Friday every year for the past three years

4. He was named November's First Star of the Month

5. He was named by Macleans magazine as newsmaker of the year (I think something big happened with him in late February?)

6. He has legit movie star good looks (once again, dont try and disagree, I'm not going to listen)

7. He has already showcased that he may in fact some day be a real movie star as he has amazing acting skills!

Err.... may have to rethink that last point...

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