Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas Countdown!

With December 1st comes my FAVE holiday season and what better a way to build the anticipation for Christmas than with your fave hockey teams. Starting today, we are going to be building up to the 25th with a different team everyday. How am I going to fit 30 teams into 24 days? Mmmm, as you know, there are a few teams I do not like sooo I can't in good conscience give them their OWN day. That's too much for me. But I can, in the spirit of Christmas, squish them all in to one day so at least they are represented (see? I'm not a *total* Grinch!)

Ottawa Senators

Washington Capitals

Philadelphia Flyers

See now I feel bad because there are no other teams that I really don't like and I don't want them to be associated with these three (I don't even put Montreal down with these guys) so I shall leave it at this for the day and then have to group some teams in the future days but make the posts longer so as to not shortchange either team.

Happy Holidays!

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