Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Celebration Time!

After a big win, who wouldn't want to celebrate? In the NHL today, there are quite a few celebration rituals that some players have. I'm going to stick to the group celebrations rather than individual players' goal celebrations because last time I checked, hockey was a team sport and your stick is *not* on fire (I'm looking at you Ovi)

Anywho! Here is my take on the top big game win celebrations:

5. Goalie Dogpile
You know your goalie? The one who has been getting that hard rubber disc shot at him at high speeds all night, blocking it from getting in the net using his body? No no, not Brent Seabrook and his groin blocks (but uhh yeah, talk about taking one for the team), I'm talking about that guy in the net who just made the huge save and won you the big game? Yeah, that guy! Go and tackle him to the ice and get all the other guys on the team to jump on top of you. 
(Mmmm, I did say tackle him to the *ground* but smashing his body up against the boards with the force of 30 grown men works too, fine)

4. Secret Handshakes
Nothing makes the other team left out more than if the winning team has...A SECRET HANDSHAKE!!!
It is also that much more satisfying when you do the handshake only when you win and and because your goalie got a girlfriend and isn't out carousing for tail every night, you get to win a lot!

WARNING: It is very much less intimidating and effective as a tool to make the other team bad when you mess up doing the handshake and fumble along until you get it. Be careful of this.

3. Full Team Goal Celebrations
All right, so I said I wasn't going to include individual players' goal celebrations but when numerous players / the whole team gets in on the fun, that is a completely different story!
(I tried to find a video of only team Zian and their stupendousness but it seemed to be an impossible task. So yeah, its the number one video and then there are 9 other individual player celebrations. Oh well).

2. Matt Duchene and Paul Stastny

These lil' Avalanche buddies bust out the "bang bang" dance after a win. Mmm not the best name for a celebratory dance because, come on, you know your mind goes to the dirty place first, but I do enjoy their dancing style! What lil' studs (especially since most guys wouldn't be caught dead doing that in public. Outstanding)

1. Winning gold for your country and, after the game, going back out on the ice and just givin'er, getting wasted and smoking cigars.
Remember how the entire team apologized afterwards and said they were so sorry for embarrassing their country? Meanwhile we all thought it was phenomenal?

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