Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I think it goes without saying that I do not want to speak of the effing Flyers and their life ruiner Scott Hartnell for halting the Penguins streak at 12. So I shan't. (However, on the bright side, Sid is still just givin'er with his 2 assists last night extending his personal scoring streak to 19, matching his previous career high. Stud)

Anywho, the Leafs won though! (That still doesn't make up for it but I'm just a huge bitter Betty over here).

Anyways, moving on. I came cross this lil article today and only read it for the picture it had. Have I not said before what a little baby angel Sid is? They clearly agree with me!

In the article, the fifth naughtiest person/group of the year was the 2010 World Junior USA team (who beat Canada for gold on home soil... Sigh...). I don't know what rock I was living under, but I didn't even know this drama occurred:
 I watched the video and team USA did indeed chant to Canada that "we just beat your fucking ass". Mmm who wouldn't feel cocky about that? I'm Canadian but sure, I understand. But perhaps don't video tape it and make yourself look cocky and disrespectful (do it behind peoples' backs like everyone else!)

As a side note, Sidney was fifth nicest guy. Mmm I think he deserves higher for just being alive but whatever. Then again, LeBron James was only named the third naughtiest and I think there are a few people in the Cavalier organization slash Cleveland dwellers that may disagree with that one as well... (That being said, the nicer and naughtier people chosen definitely make sense)

Don't forget the first ep of the 24/7 Pens/Caps HBO show is on tonight at 10!! They don't really have a lot of reminders up on or the Pens website for it so it may slip your mind! ;)

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