Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Beware of Tossing Waffles

Remember how a fan tossed waffles onto the ice last home game at the ACC when the Leafs lost and everyone thought it was hilarious? Well, the fans maybe thought it was hilarious, the players didn't so much...

"It's not funny. The guy's an idiot, whoever's doing it," said Leafs forward Clarke MacArthur.
“I didn’t even know they sell waffles at the game,” defenceman Luke Schenn said. “That’s a shocker. (And) if you’re bringing waffles to a game, maybe you have issues of your own.”

Army and Steeger still managed to let their humour shine through of their unimpressed-ness but still made it clear they weren't pleased

“I don’t appreciate it, really, a guy throwing waffles at me as I am skating by,” Leafs forward Colby Armstrong said. “Almost hit me. I don’t know if the guy was aiming at me or whatever. Who knows? A guy brought waffles. We’re trying to make light of it in here. Throw a filet, throw a T-bone. Spend some money.”
“(Francois) Beauchemin brought his stick for flipping waffles,” forward Kris Versteeg joked when asked about the incident. “But we’re not going to have waffles today... It’s just stupidity and it shouldn’t even have happened during the game. You hate to see stuff get thrown on the ice. To (the fans’) credit, yeah, it was a bad game and stuff got thrown. But you don’t ever want to see anyone get hurt.”

Well anyways, that fan (whom I shall name "Waffle Tosser") came back for the Leafs home game against the Thrashers and he was fully equipped with his waffles

Mmmm, except this time, he got arrested and is banned from all future MLSE sporting events (i.e. the Leafs, the Marlies, the Raptors and Toronto FC)... oh yeah and all events at the ACC (poor guy can't go see Taylor Swift now)

Whoopsies. He got away with it the first time, probably should've chalked that up to a close call and not tempt fate doing it a second time.

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