Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Darryl Boyce's Nose Fell Off

So I saw when Darryl Boyce hit the boards when the Leafs were playing Carolina and didn't really clue in to the fact that he hit the camera hole in the glass and then when I saw him again, he had stitches and a full mask on for the game last night but I never really looked in to it futher

Well then during my creeping today I saw that he had posted a picture of the injury prior to him getting fixed up. HOLY BALLS!!! (I made the pic small just in case someone has a weak stomach but click on it to enlarge)

The National Post interviewed him about the injury:

How does it feel?
“At the time, I just went in, and it was a real hard, blunt shot. I just picked myself up and I could see blood just leaking from my face. I immediately went right off to the dressing room. I just had to keep looking forward because, if I looked down, I could see this flap of skin just hanging down.”

What was going through your head?
“I didn’t know if I had a nose left, to be quite honest. I didn’t know if it peeled right from the top of my nose, right down. As soon as I got into the doctor’s chair I just closed my eyes and just started asking them questions, instead of looking at it myself.”

The pictures were …
“I guess that’s the best use I’ve had for Twitter so far. It seemed to get a lot of sportscasters on my side. At the end of the day, it’s just a cut and a broken nose. I’ve gone through a lot of other injuries in my career that really sidelined me for good, where you really can’t strap something on and get out there and play. I thought this was a great opportunity to just throw something on and get out there.”

Can you breathe?
“I’ve just got one side sort of blocked here. I’ve got lot of stitches on the inside of the nostril. It’s a little tough, breathing out the one side, but you just deal with it. You breathe out your mouth a little bit more.”

What did your family say?
“Mum, I called her on the way to the hospital, during the third period. I was pretty shocked, the way she was acting. I talked to my aunt at the hospital. I said: ‘Mum was pretty cool about it. She didn’t seem too worried. That’s not like her.’ And then after, at 11:30, she finally told me she’d been pacing the house for the last two-and-a-half hours, not knowing what was going on. She put up a strong front.”

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