Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hockey Gems of the Week

I actually did this collection as a guest post for one of my fave blogs, The Hockey Junkies. I was like a giddy little child when they ended up posting it so I decided to include it here as well (I did make a few minor changes though, so it's not EXACTLY the same)

This week seems to have been packed with hockey drama and hilarity. Here are some of the best:

Where can I find a Swedish person?

I can't believe I didn't know about this before! A radio station in Chicago has a weekly feature – Sharp Attack – where Patrick Sharp calls in. This past week, both Viktor Stalberg (I'm still upset the Leafs traded him) and Patrick Sharp talked to the radio hosts. Stalberg tells us “Yeah, I go to IKEA everyday. I hangout there everyday, obviously – all Swedes do.” Patrick Sharp agreed and shared a story about how he was trying to find Niklas Hjalmarrson last year: “I was calling IKEA to try and find what aisle he was in.”

Adam Burish apologizes for causing a fan to lose a heated battle – with his friend in NHL 11. 
Last weekend, Alex messaged the Dallas Stars with a complaint:

I was recently playing a game of EA Sports NHL 11. I was down by one goal against my friend, I was on a 2 on 0 and was impeded by #16 Adam Burish, and was unable to acheive a scoring opportunity, I ask that Adam Burish publicly apologizes to me for he had cost me that game of NHL 11. Thank you for you cooperation during this crisis.



Adam Burish got right on responding to Alex:

The Leafs' Celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving

Kris Versteeg is a Thanksgiving feast chef’s worst nightmare (also we learn of the existence of “brown turkey meat” – I’ve only ever heard of dark meat, but he has me intrigued) and Colby Armstrong disgusted all Canadians by admitted he likes sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top.

The Leafs Give Back
One of the best things about the Penguins is that they do the "in-person season ticket delivery" before the season starts every year. Makes sense - the fans love it and it makes the players more accessible and gives them a chance to meet some of their loyal followers in person. The Leafs... Well, I love them but they are not exactly known for giving back to their fans. Well, here is an interpretation of what happens when they try a page of the Pens book:

Crosby tries his hand at acting
He was adorable in his pre-Olympic Tim Hortons commercial so I guess Dempsters thought they could use some of that charm to sell some bread! The commercial reveals that Sidney Crosby loves turkey on whole grain sandwiches – and apparently always walks down the street with a huge awkward smile on his face, giving his fans little nod. (I love that the YouTube video description is "AWKWARD AWKWARD AWKWARD". So true)

Go eat a popsicle!
What a guy! James Wisniewski clearly saw that Sean Avery was in a bit of a crabby mood and decided that returning to his childhood would help out - he thoughtfully gestured to Avery that he should go eat a Popsicle!! Wait... what?? What do you mean, that's not what that gesture means?

How to be an NHL Defenceman
Down Goes Brown always has the best blog postings ever and this one is no exception. 

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