Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Best Team Videos - Mascots

A huge part of every team is the mascot, am I right? What would the Penguins be without Chilly Willy and Iceburgh? What would the Leafs be without Carlton running about? Here is a collection of some outstanding mascot team videos

Well, this one isn't so much one team's specific mascot, but moreso the mascot in general - and how he should be treated!

I love all these Boston Bruins Hockey Rules commercials, espesh this one. "It's a Rolex (with little self-satisfied smile)"

Bottle break fail...

I don't approve of this lack of respect for the Leafs here but I will give credit where credit is due - pretty clever, a bit humourous...

(Sorry, this one isn't great quality but I love Steagle. Hey, I never specified the mascots had to be from the NHL)

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