Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Kris Versteeg, Welcome to Toronto

It must be quite the splash of cold water in the face being on the number one team in the league, winning the Stanley Cup - and still probably drunk from the celebrations - one minute and then being picked up by the second last team in the league. Then again, the team in question HAS won the second most Stanley Cups in the NHL (sorry, what did you say? When did we win the last one? Nope, sorry, can't hear you) and is the most profitable/valuable team in the NHL so hey, he can't complain too much.

I, for one, am thrilled! I can only hope that I will be walking down the street in Toronto one day to turn around and witness something like this:

Versteeg had an amazing rookie season, finishing second amongst all rookies in scoring (Bobby Ryan was first) and being nominated for the Calder Trophy (which went to Steve Mason). His productivity dropped a bit in his sophomore season but he still came up huge in times when it was needed

Can't wait to see him in action in blue and white!

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