Saturday, August 28, 2010

Player of the Week: Jack Johnson

Jack Johnson has been travelling around this summer, promoting NHL 2K11 with Ryan Kesler. They have quite the cute rapport built up:

But the reason he is player of the week is because of his game against Red Wings fan Carson. Carson was a stone cold champ, demolishing Johnson. Oh yeah, he was like five years old too

Fun fact about him is that he is a childhood friend of Sidney Crosby. They went to Shattuck St Mary's together and were besties. They are still friends to this day (apparently everyone asks Johnson about it too - he talks about it in his blog) but only off the ice - on the ice, enemies. However, Johnson seems to still be quite suspicious of Crosby:

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Best Team Videos - Most Random

These videos have no words that can describe them

Maybe I'm alone here but I find this the most random question ever. I love Erik Cole's answer: "Something really stupid to go with that stupid question"

Oh Jeff Carter, you little rebel

Cabbie would obviously have to fit in here somewhere. While the disgusting smell of hockey equipment isn't exactly random, asking the players about it qualifies, I think

Player(s) of the Week: NHL 2K10 Hockey Moms

With NHL 2K11 coming out in a few weeks, what better players of the week than the biggest fans of last year's NHL 2K10 - the hockey moms!

We won't judge Donna and the girls for their bad taste in favourite players - Ovechkin isn't quite the patron saint of all things hockey parties, but they make up for it with their parties with Jack Johnson and Ryan Kesler

But be careful not to cross them! I'm not kidding when I say they are HUGE fans. Look what happened when their copy of NHL 2K10 lent to Ryan Kesler wasn't returned...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Sidney!

Sid the Kid turned 23 on August 7th and celebrated the following day in Toronto, where he was attending the Rogers Cup (tennis). Roger Federer's birthday is today (August 8th) so he and Sid shared a cake! Tres cute.
However, I am bitter because it happens to be my birthday on the 8th as well and I was also in Toronto. And yet, I did not get to see Sidney as my present. Hmph.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

One Year Later!

One year ago today, Sidney Crosby was in his hometown with the Stanley Cup and Max Talbot - which just so happened to be his 22nd birthday. What a present eh? We were all hoping for a repeat this year but hey, here's hoping for next year! Here's a nice little wayback playback to last year (I love the light heartedness of the questions!)