Friday, April 30, 2010

Player of the Week: Brooks Laich

As much as I dislike the Washington Capitals, I have to give credit where credit is due and Brooks Laich is just quite the saviour this week. On his way home from his teams' game 7 loss to the Montreal Canadiens - ruining all hopes for a Stanley Cup - he came to the rescue to some of his fans whose car had broken down on the side of a bridge in Washington.

Brooksy's a Hero!

He is one of the "tough guys" of the NHL but also he is a legit good player, with his point totals increasing every year he plays in the NHL.

However, I think the best part about him is the co-dependent bromance that he and Mike Green have got going on. Seriously, they are always together.

But hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. The Baby Blue Soundcrew seems to do just fine:

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Caps are Outta Here

The Capitals, winner of the Presidents Trophy, had a 3-1 series lead against Montreal and blew it in a 2-1 game 7 loss last night. This sums it up well..

(Fave Part - Now Golfing. Hahahahahaha)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Best Team Videos - Pizza Hut Hot Seat

I love when teams do all access types of videos that allow the fans to get to know the players a bit. I've found the Pens don't do this as much anymore and I wish they would so here is a throwback to the "Hot Seat" series they did a few years back

I love how Bugsy says blondes super fast as soon as the question registers with him - guess it's obvious his wife is a blonde

Oh Paul "BizNasty" Bissonnette! How I wish you were still part of the Pens association

Olympic Gold or Stanley Cup - I love his reaction and facial expressions "Stanley Cup. Eeee, that's a tough one. Can I say both?" - I guess saying both was the best thing he ever did since yeah, it came true!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Best of Cabbie

As we get into the post-season, we have not only intense hockey to look forward to, but also Cabbie from The Score's amazing player interviews. I love that he pulls out fun questions and gets the guys laughing and having a good time - they must be so tired of all the same old questions day in and day out. Have to start with him talking to my fave guy:

How rude of the Ducks to try and hit Giggy in the face!

Wade wants to snuggle with Steen!

I love Carey Price in this one. Little apology for losing, getting ripped apart by Laraque and then a good lookin' Oreo cookie

And to end with, the one loaded with innuendos (but good to know that Rick Nash's stick is clean)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Player of the Week: Henrik Sedin

It's official: Henrik Sedin wins the Art Ross Trophy!

With both Sedin and Ovechkin playing last night and Sedin a point behind Ovechkin in the scoring, I definitely would say that Sedin wasn't the favourite to win because everyone thought that Ovechkin would definitely get a few points in the last game. Hah! He didn't and Sedin did. I totally think he deserved it anyways! He is adorable (see right, no further explanation needed) not to mention a phenom player!

How unstoppable are Henrik and his broskie Daniel?

Well done to the Swedish twins, its about time they got more recognition