Monday, January 18, 2010


The Canucks had their Superskills competition yesterday and it reminded me of the competition last year, where some of the players brought their kids out onto the ice. How cute is Ryan Kesler!!

I also love how Kesler's daughter and Bieksa's son are wearing little jerseys with their dad's names and numbers on them!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Best Team Videos - Ask the Canes Wives Edition

What better a way to get to know the players REALLY than to have the wives reveal their secrets?

I love the Stillmans and LOVE Brijet Whitney. Sorry Ray, if Yzerman comes a knocking, your wife is outta there.

" know I'm married to Cory right...?"

And last but not least... (Sorry Trevor Linden aka Clay Aiken)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Blackhawks Commercials

The Hawks promotional department should win an award for the commercials that they've come up with. Just phenomenal